Karakia are short incantations, prayers, or blessings, traditionally spoken at the opening and closing of a hui, before eating food, and at important life events. Karakia are used to increase the spiritual goodwill of a gathering, to ensure the success of a project, and to enhance the mana and tapu of people and their environment.
Some Karakia are traditional, and some are contemporary, some are religious, and some are not. Some are chanted, some are sung, and some are shared softly. They are a means of achieving oneness - one with the atua (God), one with tīpuna (ancestors) and one with events of the past. and have their own traditional structure, symbols and rituals, their concern is the whole of the universe, earth, sea and sky and into the night.
They are generally used to ensure a favourable outcome to important events and undertakings such as tangihanga (the ritual of farewell to our deceased), hui (meetings), unveilings etc., however they can cover every aspect of life. For example: welcoming the dawn and farewelling the day, to ensure a safe journey, for different types of illness, when undertaking tā moko (tribal 'tatoo') and more. Karakia, in their true essence, are ritual chants invoking spiritual guidance and protection.
Including Karakia at work
Karakia is part of our tikanga, and it is appropriate to include them at the beginning and end of meetings or gatherings, and before eating food.
Choose a Karakia that aligns with the Kaupapa | purpose of the meeting, for example the intention might be to connect, energise, drive, or calm and the choice of Karakia should support the intention and context of the meeting.
We encourage everyone to incorporate Karakia as part of their work practice. If you are new to using Karakia or are not feeling confident, choose a simple Karakia and practice it before you speak. Ask a friend or colleague to help you prepare.
Choose a Karakia that aligns with the Kaupapa | purpose of the meeting, for example the intention might be to connect, energise, drive, or calm and the choice of Karakia should support the intention and context of the meeting.
We encourage everyone to incorporate Karakia as part of their work practice. If you are new to using Karakia or are not feeling confident, choose a simple Karakia and practice it before you speak. Ask a friend or colleague to help you prepare.
Karakia timatanga (To open)
Kia Hora Te Marino
(May Peace Be Widespread)
Kia Hora Te Marino is a setting of a traditional Maori blessing, used as a benediction to conclude Calling All Dawns. While the opening wordless chorus is evocative of the maritime imagery found in much Maori writing
Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi ma tatou i te rangi neiAroha atu, aroha mai Tatou i a tatou katoa Hui e taiki e !
May peace be widespreadMay the sea be like greenstone A pathway for us all this day Let us show respect and compassionFor each other

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(can mean both 'prepare for' and 'make a change in direction)
'Whakataka' is a modification of the final stanza of 'Tua, Tua,' a longer karakia telling how the waka Takitimu survived a storm when exploring the coast of South Westland because it was well-built and well-managed. It reminds us that the great natural forces can harm us, but if we work hard preparing for them, and then respond in harmony with them and in harmony with our ancestors' response, we are rewarded with warmth and calm, both literally and spiritually.

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Whakataka te hau ki te uru,Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.Kia mākinakina ki uta,Kia mātaratara ki tai.E hī ake ana te atākura he tio,he huka, he hau huTihei mauri ora!
Cease the winds from the west
cease the winds from the south
let the breeze blow over the land
let the breeze blow over the ocean
let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air.
a thought of frost, a promise of a glorious day.
Te Mauri o Rongo
E ora, kia ora Te Mauri HauoraE ora, Kia or te rongo mauriE ora, kia ora Te Mauri o RongoKia ū, kia mau ki ngā pou whakaruruhauE Ara Te Wairuatanga E Ara Te RangatiatangaE Ara Te Whanaungatanga Paiheretia ki Te Korowai ĀhuruKia Mau kia ita Haumi ē. Hui ē. Tāiki ē
May the blessing of the hidden things be with us allUpon each and every one of us May the fruits of diligence be abundant May the words be persuasive May the authority be persuasive May love be present May good health be present Hold fast to the cross-poles, secure them Bind, BindGather and unite
Pou Hihiri

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Pou hihiri Pou rarama Pou o te whakaaro Pou o te tāngata Pou o te aroha Te pou e here nei i a tātou Mauri ora ki a tātou Haumi ē. Hui ē. Tāiki ē
May clarity be yoursMay understanding be yoursThrough reflections Through personal endeavourThrough respect The virtues which bind us as one May we be filled with wellbeing
Haumi ē. Hui ē. Tāiki ē
He karakia mō te ata - a prayer to start the day
Awesome karakia to start your day with especially if you can hear the birds singing outside
Ko te reo o ngā manu tērāKa tangi nei i te aoKua uru ko te rāki waenganui i a Ranginuii a PapatūānukuKa noho ko Ranginui ki rungaKo Papatūānuku ki raroka heke iho ko ngā roimata i a RanginuiKa hiki ake ko te kohu i a Papatūānukuko te tohu tērāka ora tāua i te ao, i te pō
There is the voice of birdsHeralding daylightAs the sun entersBetween the sky fatherAnd the earth motherSky father aboveEarth mother belowRangi's tears fallPapatūānuku's mist risesThus a signThat we shall live in light and darknessThis is my commitment to themGather unite!!
Karakia Whakamutunga (To close a meeting)
Kia tau ngā manaakitanga
a te mea ngaroki runga ki tēnā, ki tēnā o tātouKia mahea te hua mākihikihikia toi te kupu,
toi te mana,
toi te aroha,
toi te Reo Māori
kia tūturu, ka whakamaua kia tīna! (Tīna!)Hui e, Tāiki e!.
Let the strength and life force of our ancestorsBe with each and every one of usFreeing our path from obstructionSo that our words, spiritual power, love, and language are upheld;Permanently fixed, established and understood!Forward together!

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Unuhia, unuhiaUnuhia ki te uru tapu nuiKia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara takatāKoia rā e Rongo, whakairia ake ki rungaKia tina! TINA! Hui e! TĀIKI E!
Draw on, draw on,Draw on the supreme sacrednessTo clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of mankindRongo, suspended high above us (i.e. in 'heaven')Draw together! Affirm!

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Kua tae te wā mō te whakairi te kete.I te kete kōrero, i te kete whakaaro.Hei tiki atu anō mā tātou.Pou hihiri.Pou raramaPou o te whakaaroPou o te tangataPou o te arohaTe pou e here nei i a tātouA haumi eHui e, Taiki e!
The time has come to gather one’s thoughtsThe kit that contains discussion, and thought of the daySo that we may use again as future enlightenmentIdeologyValues enlightenmentInnovative thinkingHuman supportSupport affection charityThe values which bind us togetherIt is complete
Karakia mō te kai – To bless food

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Nau mai e ngā huao te waoo te ngakinao te wai taio te wai MāoriNā TaneNā RongoNā TangaroaNā MaruKo Ranginui e tū iho neiKo Papatūānuku e takoto neiTuturu whakamauaKia tina! TINA! Hui e! TĀIKI E! I
Welcome the gifts of foodfrom the sacred forestsfrom the cultivated gardensfrom the seafrom the fresh watersThe food of Taneof Rongoof Tangaroaof MaruI acknowledge Ranginui who is above me, Papatuanuku who lies beneath meLet this be my commitment to all!Draw together! Affirm!