Sector Wide Documents
To identify unmet needs and develop recommendations for a better mental health and addiction system for Aotearoa New Zealand.
British Crown & Rangatira Māori. 1840
Was meant to be a partnership between Māori and the British Crown. Although it was intended to create unity, different understandings of the treaty, and breaches of it, have caused conflict. From the 1970s the general public gradually came to know more about the treaty, and efforts to honour the treaty and its principles expanded.
Ministry of Health. 2023
The Oranga Hinengaro System and Service Framework identifies the core components of a contemporary mental health and addiction system with a 10-year view. It provides guidance for those responsible for publicly funded health system policy, design, service commissioning, and delivery.
NEW ZEALAND government. 2022
The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 establishes a new structure and new accountability arrangements for New Zealand's publicly-funded health system
Te Whatu Ora & Te Aka Whai Ora. 2022
The interim NZ Health Plan sets out the first two years of health system transformation to improve the health & wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025 is the implementation plan for He Korowai Oranga, New Zealand’s Māori Health Strategy – it will help us achieve better health outcomes for Māori by setting the government’s direction for Māori health advancement over the next five years.
Ministry of Health. 2021
Kia Manawanui Aotearoa – Long-term pathway to mental wellbeing (Kia Manawanui) is the Government’s high-level plan for transformation over the long-term. It outlines the next steps for further implementation of the changes required to support the mental wellbeing of New Zealanders.
Ngā Paerewa reflects the shift towards more person- and whānau-centred health and disability services. People are empowered to make decisions about their own care and support in order to achieve their goals, with a stronger focus on outcomes for people receiving support.
Te Whatu Ora. 2022
Nōku te Ao: Sovereignty of the Māori Mind
This groundbreaking research presents a Māori world view of factors that contribute to discrimination against Māori who live with mental distress.
Through a critical Kaupapa Māori lens, this report unpacks the root causes and institutional drivers of discrimination, and offers a path forward for those working to change this.
Through a critical Kaupapa Māori lens, this report unpacks the root causes and institutional drivers of discrimination, and offers a path forward for those working to change this.
TE POU. 2022
CPSLE National Body Options Paper
explores the potential development of a nationalprofessional body for the consumer, peer supportand lived experience (CPSLE) workforce
Te Tāhū Hauora - The Health Quality & Safety Commission
Code of expectations for health entities’ engagement with consumers and whānau
This code is required by the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 and is underpinned by the health sector principles. All health entities must act in accordance with the code and are required to report annually on how the code has been applied.
Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga - Health and Disability Commissioner
Standard Operating Procedure
A living document containing administrative guidelines for the purpose of assisting HDC staff